What is Digital Real Estate?

Looking for your next investment property? How about digital real estate investment? Learn how Virtual Real Estate has turned into an investment tool and how you can access digital real estate from our article.

One major change that has come to our lives with the global shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic is the fact that the future is now digital. During the shutdown, the world became physically distant and relied heavily on digital assets to carry out routine business activities. This digital concept has also deeply affected the real estate industry.

There is a nice sentence that describes real estate investment. “Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.” Now it is extremely easy to adapt this phrase to the digital world and it is extremely cheap compared to the coming years. Your digital real estate investment can change your life in the not too distant future! If it seems like it’s time to consider your next virtual real estate, maybe you could be the next investment giant!

Before you dive into the exciting digital real estate market, a question may pop up in your mind: What exactly is digital real estate? The term may seem rather abstract to even the most savvy investors, so let’s learn more about digital real estate.

What is Digital Real Estate?

To put it simply, digital real estate is everything you see online about real estate. A more technical term is virtual property. Therefore, all websites, domains, and URLs are forms of digital assets and, like most assets, they are worth money. However, the idea is still new. For this reason, perhaps it is the right time to buy your first digital asset.

Much like traditional real estate, these properties can be bought and sold on the market. Think social media giants like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and most recently Clubhouse; These are the home owners of the future. For many social media apps, owners are paid when users buy ads (e.g. Facebook ads) or pay to improve their profile. Just like that, homeowners earn passive income, and unlike traditional homeowners, digital homeowners don’t have to fix leaky faucets.

While Digital Real Estate has some differences from real estate investments, there are also many similarities. Just like with physical real estate, digital landlords have one of the most basic tools to win the fortune game: property. It’s a bit like Monopoly, but that’s how it really works.

Why Digital Real Estate?

The virtual world is rapidly taking over our real world. Some companies, like Decentraland, even let you buy virtual land and invest in the metaverse.

The definition of metaverse, which will be the subject of a much more detailed article, can be summarized as follows. Industry leaders have various definitions for a sandbox called a metadata warehouse. In general, it is a virtual space that includes the virtual world, augmented reality and the internet where users can participate in an enhanced virtual reality with other users.

For those wondering about virtual land prices in Decentraland, 16 virtual acres of land are up for sale for about $900,000. You don’t need to empty your entire bank account to gain a foothold in the digital market, with some virtual plots selling for close to a million dollars. You can buy a domain name (a type of digital real estate) for as little as $12. Also, it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can start by creating a domain name using your own name. Who knows, maybe you will be famous one day.

As you can see, investing in digital real estate is worth your time. Some of the best known websites are worth millions. For example, The Huffington Post has an estimated value of $214 million. With the chance to become a millionaire, now may be the time to start that blog you’ve been putting off.

How to Get Involved in the Digital Real Estate Business

If you’re ready to increase your cash flow, there are many ways to get involved in digital real estate investing. Interested investors can purchase existing digital properties, an established website or create their own digital properties. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? It works exactly like a physical real estate investment.

How to Advertise Digital Properties?

You won’t actually need a real estate listing site like Emlak Sitesi to advertise your digital property; You can use Facebook Ads or other forms of sponsored content to advertise your digital properties to potential buyers.

Million-Acre Result

As the well-known phrase of the real estate market says, “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen or moved. Purchased with common sense, fully paid for and managed with reasonable care; real estate is the safest investment. It is the World.” In today’s market with millions of people surfing the internet around the world, entering the million-dollar digital real estate industry may actually be much safer than you think. Whether you choose to build a website or buy one, digital real estate is a surefire way to increase your income.

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