December 2021

Real estate demand brought a record in ‘home’

In November 2021, home sales reached the highest number of sales in the last 16 months. Sector representatives are of the opinion that the gains in investments such as gold and foreign currency are directed towards housing. Duygu Erdoğan -   Housing sales in Turkey increased by 59 percent in November compared to the same month of the previous year and became 178 thousand 814. According to the...

What is Expatriate Mortgage?

If you live abroad but want to buy a house in Turkey, you have a question? Can those living abroad also get a housing loan from Turkey?Turks living abroad as well as those living in the country make calculations of being a home owner. The conditions for obtaining a housing loan in Turkey are almost the same for Turkish citizens living abroad, similar to the conditions for Turkish citizens...

Highest Housing Sales of the Year is in November!

Housing sales across Turkey increased by 59.0% in November compared to the same month of the previous year and became 178 thousand 814. Istanbul had the highest share in house sales with 31,706 house sales and 17.7%. According to the number of sales, Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 17 thousand 117 house sales and 9.6% share, and İzmir with 11 thousand 116 sales and 6.2% share. The provinces with...

Чим займається DevOPS-інженер: переваги та недоліки професії

У цій статті ми розповімо, які обов'язки виконує ІТ-фахівець, які переваги та недоліки на цій посаді. DevOPS-інженер може працювати в будь-якій компанії, яка займається розробкою програм, в основному це IT-гіганти. Стартапи...

What Month to Buy Property?

Mediating the buying and selling activities of real estate, which has been seen as an important investment tool in our country for years, is colloquially called real estate. Occupational professionals who direct the real estate sector have gathered information under one profession in order to perceive, interpret and develop many parameters that affect the investment activity for other people...

What Should You Consider When Buying A House In The Middle Of The Economic Crisis?

The world has entered a difficult period with the Kovid pandemic. Our country has been affected much more heavily by this pandemic. It seems that more difficult days are waiting for the economic situation of our country due to different economic approaches. Although the crisis periods are not good for the sector in general for real estate investment, they are also seen as an opportunity to...

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